Werde Teil unseres Teams

Wir bei medaia haben es uns zum Ziel gemacht, qualitativ hochwertige Produkte basiered auf künstlicher Intelligenz in der florierenden MedTech-Branche anzubieten. Werde Teil unseres Teams und hilf uns dabei, die Medizin von morgen zu prägen und Leben zu retten.

Moderner und Innovativer Arbeitsbereich

Company Snacks und Getränke

Weiter- und Fortbildungen

Dartscheibe und Teamevents

Gemeinsames Mittagessen

Home- und Remote Office

Offene Stellen

Aktuell suchen wir nach Verstärkung in den folgenden Bereichen. Wir freuen uns jederzeit über Initiativbewerbungen unter office@medaia.at

Full Stack Developer, Digital Health (f/m/d)

(15 – 25h / week)

Your Job

  • Further Development of our cloud-based backend infrastructure for our App
  • Development of interactive web apps (SPAs) for current and future medaia services
  • Active participation in the entire product development cycle
  • Strong Opportunity to incorporate your ideas into an Innovative product.

Your Background

  • Ongoing studies in computer science or similar course of studies.
  • Good programming skills, especially in Python
  • Experience with FastAPI, or similar web frameworks.
  • Good JS / ES6 and TypeScript knowledge
  • Advanced knowledge of Angular or React
  • Experience with HTML5 and CSS3
  • Independent working ability, good problem-solving skills, and a “we can do it” mentality.
  • Good English skills, both written and spoken

What we offer

  • Cooperative atmosphere with a friendly work environment
  • Office in the heart of the city (Eisernes Tor)
  • Flexible working hours
  • Option to work remotely

The base pay according to the Austrian collective agreement is at least EUR 3.077 (full-time equivalent)

Please send your application to jobs@medaia.at

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Full Stack Developer, Digital Health (f/m/d)

(15 – 25h / week)

Your Job

  • Further Development of our cloud-based backend infrastructure for our App
  • Development of interactive web apps (SPAs) for current and future medaia services
  • Active participation in the entire product development cycle
  • Strong Opportunity to incorporate your ideas into an Innovative product.

Your Background

  • Ongoing studies in computer science or similar course of studies.
  • Good programming skills, especially in Python
  • Experience with FastAPI, or similar web frameworks.
  • Good JS / ES6 and TypeScript knowledge
  • Advanced knowledge of Angular or React
  • Experience with HTML5 and CSS3
  • Independent working ability, good problem-solving skills, and a “we can do it” mentality.
  • Good English skills, both written and spoken

What we offer

  • Cooperative atmosphere with a friendly work environment
  • Office in the heart of the city (Eisernes Tor)
  • Flexible working hours
  • Option to work remotely

The base pay according to the Austrian collective agreement is at least EUR 3.077 (full-time equivalent)

Please send your application to jobs@medaia.at

Full Stack Developer, Digital Health (f/m/d)

(15 – 25h / week)

Your Job

  • Further Development of our cloud-based backend infrastructure for our App
  • Development of interactive web apps (SPAs) for current and future medaia services
  • Active participation in the entire product development cycle
  • Strong Opportunity to incorporate your ideas into an Innovative product.

Your Background

  • Ongoing studies in computer science or similar course of studies.
  • Good programming skills, especially in Python
  • Experience with FastAPI, or similar web frameworks.
  • Good JS / ES6 and TypeScript knowledge
  • Advanced knowledge of Angular or React
  • Experience with HTML5 and CSS3
  • Independent working ability, good problem-solving skills, and a “we can do it” mentality.
  • Good English skills, both written and spoken

What we offer

  • Cooperative atmosphere with a friendly work environment
  • Office in the heart of the city (Eisernes Tor)
  • Flexible working hours
  • Option to work remotely

The base pay according to the Austrian collective agreement is at least EUR 3.077 (full-time equivalent)

Please send your application to jobs@medaia.at

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Mobile App Manager (f/m/d)

(10 – 20 h / week)

Your Job

  • Reporting of Insights: Consistently communicate valuable insights and opportunities inside the company to ensure a collaborative approach to decision-making
  • Active participation and customer feedback in the entire product development cycle
  • Administration of the SkinScreener app in Apple App and Google Play Store
  • Strong Opportunity to incorporate your ideas into an innovative product.

Your Background

  • Ongoing studies in computer science or similar course of studies.
  • Programming skills in Swift / Kotlin
  • Experience in code versioning management tools such as GitHub, Jira/Confluence, and test-driven development
  • Independent working ability, good problem-solving skills, and a “we can do it” mentality.
  • Good English skills, both written and spoken

What we offer

  • Cooperative atmosphere with a friendly work environment
  • Office in the heart of the city (Eisernes Tor) of Graz
  • Flexible working hours
  • Option to work remotely

The base pay according to the Austrian collective agreement is at least EUR 2.276 (full-time equivalent)

Please send your application to jobs@medaia.at